Marvel Fanfiction Wiki
Aria Williams
Real Name: Ariana Williams
Current Alias: Violet
Relatives: Simon and Wanda Williams (parents)
Affiliates: X-Men


Base Of Operations: X-Mansion

Avengers Tower

Place of Birth: San Diego, California
Creator: ~Ka'ohu~

 daughter of Simon (Wonder Man) and Wanda (the Scarlet Wich) Williams, she like her mother is a mutant. Ariana can manipulate probablity, and gained powers steming from it. Ariana's code name is Violet.


X-Men: Legacy[]

X-Men: Age of Apocalypse[]

X-Men: Revenge of the Fallen[]


Ariana is witty, confident, intelligent, compassionate, laidback, and easily frustrated.



Ari is a beautiful, fifteen year old girl. She has black and violet eyes. She is 5'8. 

Powers and Abilities[]

Ariana's mutant abilities are:


She has the ability to create teleportation portals that can move objects or groups of people short or vast distances. Her limit is not known, but she has teleported as far as from Earth to the moon. She uses her powers offensively by focusing her teleportation ability creating spears and katana's which she can throw with high accuracy. The spears and katana's will expand into portals at her will, teleporting all or a portion of an enemy or object, or merely stunning them. She is very skilled with her teleportation powers, and has on several occasions defeated much more powerful opponents by redirecting their own powers back at them. She can teleport objects/people without reassembling them properly, catching them in a portal and temporarily splitting them into pieces. The effects of her power on living beings varies from brief unconsciousness to death.

Probablity Field Manipulation[]

Aria is imbued with a genuine ability to cause "bad luck". This power allows her to subliminally affect probability fields, which would cause improbable, though not impossible, events of "bad luck" to occur to enemies within her line of sight. 
